Disapp0inted (kinda)
Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hmm...din make a trip t0 sent0sa t0day c0s B said he d0esn`t haf the m0od, well, frankly speaking...me t0o, but i need a tan badly.

Kinda disapp0inted th0ugh, but at the same time feeling lucky tt we din g0, c0s the sun is n0t sc0rching h0t...as my main purp0se is t0 get a tan...l0l`z...0h well, next time den. But h0pefully i`ll be able t0 get tanned b4 CNY.

Hai`z...w0n`t be able t0 meet B t0day again c0s he hafta practice f0r the li0n dance thingee...yest saturday i slack at hm, r0t at hm t0day...*b0red* wat t0 d0...*Hurmph*

0h, tmr is m0nday...means g0tta g0 sch...*sian 1/2*...but...if m0nz and met n0t g0ing means...heh heh...extended h0liday...l0l`z... -_-"
Sh0pping @ t0wn
Saturday, January 29, 2005

Went sh0pping wif Bi t0day, but we reached t0wn quite late, at ard 6 plus? think s0.

Went t0 mang0 but nv saw the cl0thes i fancied...sad :( s0 we went far east...and we are stuck there, nv g0 anywhere...haiz...well, b0ught a pair jeans and bikini...again...wee~^_^v

I`ve still g0t things haven buy, s0 shall sh0p again s0me 0ther day, h0pefully can finish sh0pping f0r things 0n my sh0pping list b4 CNY.

Hmm...B g0t training tmr, dun think we haf the time t0 meet, but he said he wants t0 g0 sent0sa 0n sunday(i`m the 0ne wh0 suggested but he decides), h0pe we`ll be able t0 g0, i really want t0 get a tan, it`s been ages since i g0t my last tan and i`m s0 damn fair n0w (like gh0st sia`z)...
Thursday, January 27, 2005

To0k these while i was waiting f0r bus at my hse bus st0p. Find the cl0uds was nice 0n that day(24-01-05), s0 decided t0 to0k s0me pics...i was b0red anyway, and the bus was late.

Pics taken at esplanade 25-01-05
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

...* Nice Mo0n *...

- [ MerLi0n ] -
sh0pping day (s0rt 0f)

Heh...nv g0 t0 sch t0day, c0s tired + lazy...l0l`z...

Acc0mpany B t0 west c0ast, he went visit the 0steopath, c0s 0f his injuries. But he is n0t in, will c0me back after 3 pm, s0 we went Ginza plaza sh0p ard, den we g0t hungry and went t0 a resturant t0 haf 0ur lunch...the f0od was nice. After tt went t0 lau pa sat there, there`s a sal0n name The Arches, went there t0 haf a haircut c0s Bi`s c0uz w0rking there, g0t half price...n0t bad...but my hair 0k l0r the style.

After having my hair cut, went t0 esplanade t0 romantic...l0l`z...and t0ok s0me nice pics...den we went t0 marina sh0p ard and i b0ught a t0p f0r me and B, special price 10 bucks 0nly, usual price was 29 bucks...hee...

Both 0f us was tired and sleepy at the end 0f the day...we went t0 esplanade again t0 relax while waiting f0r B`s fren t0 c0me c0s later B`s g0ing t0 a pub wif him. Both 0f us was really tired, den B decided n0t t0 g0 but his fren had reached...l0l`z...t0o late...but i went hm, keep yawning, i`m tired...but i miss him badly...

I l0ve u, B...muack...

Po0r Bi
Sunday, January 23, 2005

R0t at hm today...s0 b0red...B hafta g0 f0r the li0n dance thingee...t0t tt we can g0 sh0pping after tt since he said tt he will be free at the evening.

But when i called him, his hp was 0ff, s0 nv g0 out lia0`z. Den when he called at ard 9pm, t0ld me he reached hm and he nv bring his hp c0s l0w batt s0 he left it at hm t0 charge.

And he t0ld me he had injured himself, s0rt 0f fell 0ff frm the 'juang', the tall stilts, and land 0n his back, he hurt his spine, ard there i supp0se, and sprain his hand (sw0llen). He cann0t even walk pr0perly.

He wants me t0 g0 0ver t0 his place, s0 i went. Helped him applied medicated 0il and rub his spine...rub his spine? l0wer back i mean. Can tell frm his face it hurts al0t and he is feeling terrible, but he endure it, p0or B...*heartache*

Went hm after tt, let him haf a gd rest. Will g0 visit him tmr, need t0 tk care 0f him.

DAMN!!! Tmr is m0nday, hafta g0 sch, having m0nday blues already. Miss B...h0pe he will feel better tmr...
Jessica`s day0ut at kb0x

Ell0z...din bl0g yesterday c0s to0 tired...l0l`z...s0 make up f0r it t0day...

Well, acc B t0 daws0n t0 haf his hair cut, den went 0ver t0 his place and wait f0r him t0 get ready bef0re we g0 out.

Went t0 kb0x at paradiz, wif hl, her sis, lia and her br0, B went al0ng to0 but sy din c0me c0s she hafta w0rk. But I surprised `em th0ugh, y? c0s I sang! f0r the first time, I mean at ktv...l0l`z...but I felt disgusted c0s I find my singing was s0 damn awful, But they said n0t bad -_-"...and I 0nly sang 0ne miserable s0ng...haha...

After kb0x-ing, actually intend t0 sh0p f0r new yr cl0thes, but last min B said wanna g0 hm...idi0t...c0s he was tired...bl0ody hell...

So I went 0ver t0 his hse...again...den I slp t0o, am kinda tired to0 actually...but anyway I did enj0y myself yest, l0oking f0rward t0 an0ther 0uting wif `em, my sista`z...kinda miss `em already...

Shall end here...tata...

oO JeZzY Oo
Signing 0ff
- [P.e.a.c.e.0.u.t] -
Thursday, January 20, 2005

Yeah~ ^.^v my dear mummy had paid my hp bills...l0ve u mummy! hehe...but I hafta call cs t0 activate it...darn! they dunn0 the w0rd 'aut0matic' sia`z...Fuck!

Pon m0rning less0n t0day, went after lunch, was late and p0or met had t0 wait f0r me. Monz n0t g0ing t0 sch tmr again, tt p0or gal`s still having fever s0 extend mc...

So tmr Met and I are g0ing t0 sch, s0 sian...dun feel like going t0 sch sia`z...but nvm lah, fri n0 sch c0s h0liday! yeah! ^_^v

Today`s lessons end at 6pm supp0sedly, but pinky and the brain dismissed us early, at ard 520pm? anyway I went 0ver t0 B`s hse after sch and again the same thingee - SLEEP. Was s0 feeling sleepy almost everyday ever since sch started.
Gonna Zzzz.....shall bl0g again...*yawn`z*

Sian 1/2
Wednesday, January 19, 2005

My mo0d t0day is sian 1/2 c0s my dear mummy f0rg0t t0 pay my hp bills, and they barred my 0utg0ing calls including sms, fuck! I can 0nly receive sms and call. Got hp but cann0t use, feel like s0mething is missing inside me...l0l`z...But at the same time, am feeling happy t0o, c0s everything are A 0k between B and I...=)

I feel s0 guilty after wat I did t0day m0rning, haf a small argument wif mummy and bc0s I g0t s0 pissed 0ff by her, I did n0t eat the 1/2 b0iled eggs she`d b0iled specially f0r me, and went 0ff t0 sch w\0 telling her. Imma a bad girl.

I received the bursary thingee frm sch...they say I can apply due t0 my good academic (as wat they say in the letter), was in the t0p 25%, s0 decided t0 apply juz t0 try my luck. It w0uld be great if I can get the $$ =)...

Play truant t0day...heehee...as wat B had predicted, I really p0nten at 2pm...haha...went t0 central wif Met and Liling, after which I went 0ver t0 B`s hse and slp like a pig...was s0 tired...and I`m still feeling slpy n0w...

Po0r m0nz was feeling sick t0day...h0pe u r feeling better n0w, m0nz. She`s n0t g0ing t0 sch tmr, s0 I`m going wif met.

B`s n0t feeling well t0o, g0nna haf fever so0n, having headache n0w, s0 he rest early. As f0r me, g0nna slp s0on...

I Hate You!!
Monday, January 17, 2005

I hate him! t0day is 0ur 3 yr 2 mth annivesary, and we are n0t meeting! n0t bc0s he`s n0t free, is bc0s he`s sleeping!

Really g0t s0 pissed 0ff by him, he`s irritating! HATE HIM!!!!!! he d0esn't even care, I doubt he even remember wat`s t0day`s date. He didn't even f0rce himself t0 wake up, when it c0mes t0 sleeping, n0thing else matters.

Well, if he d0esn`t even b0ther abt this relati0nship, there`s n0 p0int c0ntinuing it. I h0pe s0me0ne wh0 truly l0ves me, care and are faithful t0 me ... a mr nice guy? will appear in my life...

And I h0pe U (assh0le!) r reading this!!! fuck!!!
Sunday, January 16, 2005

After I p0sted the previ0us bl0g, I had realized I`m uttering rubbish...don't even kn0w wat I`m talking abt...hehe...

I`m n0t happy t0day! Imma a pessimistic pers0n, watever I d0, I aLways think 0f the negative side...I d0 n0t haf self-c0nfidence.

Hai`z...tt`s the reas0n y...I cause myseLf t0 be unhappy...y? bc0s I`m jeal0us 0f s0me0ne...l0ve is seLfish, and I agree...

I dun deny tt I am afraid t0 l0se him...t0 an0ther gal, esp t0 his ex. I admit tt I am really afraid tt he will leave me f0r his ex 0ne day, afraid t0 hear him say his l0ve f0r her has nv die, he`s still in l0ve wif her t0 me 0ne day...

U can say I`m sentitive, say I`m paran0id...Yes i am, s0 wat?! 0ne thing is lacking in 0ur relati0nship - trust, which is an imp0rtant 'subject'. I dunn0 whether he realized, but at least this is wat I had realized.

Maybe the pr0blem lies 0n me, I d0 n0t haf c0nfidence in myself, I feel inferi0r. My h0pe t0 be *my ambiti0n* are dashed, fuck! I always d0 n0t haf the chance t0 d0 things I wan 0r interested in, I dunn0 y...I can 0nly stand at 0ne c0rner and see...and d0 things tt are n0t my interest, left wif n0 ch0ice...

I h0pe he will l0ve and care f0r me, truly and wh0leheartedly. And h0pe he will w0rk harder and be sucessful in yrs t0 c0me...be a useful man...dun let people l0ok d0wn 0n u...

Anyway, my aunt just called me, asked me whether i wanna go chinat0wn 0r n0t. Since I haf n0thing t0 d0 at hm, and n0t g0ing 0ut wif any0ne, yup...g0ing chinat0wn....................

Saturday, January 15, 2005

y0z~ s0 sian man...t0day is saturday, and I`m staying at hm...then chatting with Twinkle in msn...at least there`s s0me0ne t0 accompany me.

Supp0sedly meeting B at bukit bat0k, he`s having li0n dance thingee. But was cancelled last min, as wat he say there v 'messy' (???).

I'm decaying at hm, argh! anyway, m0nday is 0ur 3 yr 2 mth anni, guess is the same old celebrati0n.

N0thing t0 bl0g aLready...shall end here...tata...

J.e.Z.z.Y signing 0ff...
Miss Him BadLy
Friday, January 14, 2005

B called me in the m0rning when he had reached hm...den we decided t0 have breakfast at blk 6 bef0re I set 0ff t0 sch, I 0rdered bee h0on and B 0rdered fried n0odLe.
But the stall 0wner had changed, and the f0od...erm...the w0rd t0 describe is 'bland'.

After tt I set 0ff t0 sch, B send me t0 bus st0p, and after I b0ard the bus, i miss him already. But nvm, c0s t0day sch dismiss at 12 n0on, and only have to attend 2 less0ns, 2 peri0ds each, can meet him after that.

Hate Eunice Ang`s less0n, have t0 present, but luckily is gr0up w0rk, s0me0ne take the j0b...haha...den she gave us s0me assignments t0 d0, den finally dismiss us.

I went 0ver t0 B`s hse straight after sch. I slept like a pig! I was damn tired, I slept till 8 plus...haha...tt stupid idi0t disturb me, tt`s h0w I end my beauty sleep. B, if u r reading this, u sh0uld kn0w y...haha...

B`s g0ing 0ver t0 his fren`s hse @ tB, s0 he t0ok the same bus as me den change bus again...but g0ddamn it, bus 33 was behind, s0 we had t0 part early, hai`z...can`t bear t0 part wif him s0 fast. Miss him real bad. Can`t meet up him tmr as he had s0mething 0n, t0o bad...

Shall call him up later...
"p0n ten"
Thursday, January 13, 2005

Haha, nv g0 sch t0day...received a sms frm met saying she might n0t g0ing t0 sch, den received a sms again frm m0nz, s0 decided n0t t0 g0 sch...kinda happy th0ugh, c0s am really sLeepy...l0l`z...

S0rt 0f having a quarrell wif him this m0rning, get s0 irritated by him...n0t meeting him t0day, c0s he had li0n danc
e training.

Such a b0ring day...
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Am in sch n0w, s0 b0red! anyway, bump int0 meishan yesterday, s0 c0incident c0s we were sms-ing each 0ther, b0th 0f us r kinda sh0cked...haha..I g0t my results yest to0...passed...but n0t v gd th0ugh...but managed t0 pass, am content.

I`m s0 damn bl0ody b0red, n0thing t0 do, argh! s0 surprise tt lia email me yest. 0h ya! f0rg0t t0 reply her...g0nna reply to her n0w...tata...
Sch0oL suck`z!
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Sch re0pen t0day, s0 slpy...d0ing n0thing in sch. Wh0le day talking t0 m0n...after tt, daisy lim dismiss us at 10+, but haf t0 return later at 1pm, s0 m0n and I went t0 central, did eyebr0w treading, walk ard, had 0ur breakfast at McDonald's. After breakfast, we intend t0 walk ard again den went back t0 sch...but t0o tired, s0 decided t0 went hm. I called B, den I went t0 his hse, am s0 slpy, I was practically dragging myself, I`ve l0st c0unt h0w many times I had yawn f0r the wh0le day...haha...when I reached B`s hse, changed, disturb him awhile den slp like a pig...I went hm at abt 8+ c0s he g0ing t0 a 'stupid functi0n'. Busy wif the bl0g when I reached hm, it`s giving headache! shall c0ntinue tmr. Darn! assembly`s tmr...sian`z...but still we decided t0 skip...l0l`z...g0nna slp n0w, shall end here...tata...
Juz trying 0ut...
Friday, January 07, 2005

n0w happily eating bread wif chilli tuna...yum yum...later g0ing t0 meet B...t0day he`s g0ing f0r traing f0r li0n dance thingee...he ask me n0t t0 tk my 0wn sweet time, but i dun care man...i haf t0 g0 bukit merah buy my bus c0nsessi0n...sch`s g0nna start, damn sian...
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