Gang of 4
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Yeah! finally we r able to meet! it`s been so long since the last time the 4 of us went out.

We went to eat steamboat at Marina South, so we meet there. At first i`m not really sure how to go cos so long nv go le, so i see the mrt map and i alight at Raffles Place and i bump into`z...lucky, at least there`s s0meone who can acc me. Den when we reached Marina Bay, we saw coincidence, we r in the same train...

The 3 of us have reached, hl was late, so we meet her at the bus stop. S0 finally, when hl reached, we went bowling...this is the first time i bowl cos i dun really like bowling, my arm sure ached tmr, believe or not...

We bowl till we sian already, so after bowling they wanted to play pool but it was occupied, we went to arcade instead...after the
games we went back to the bowling alley, there are tables and chairs so we sit down and chit chat and wait for the time to come den we can go eat steamboat.

We wanted to eat at zhen fa huo hai xian, but it`s we eat at long chun classmate work there and he gave us discount...wahahaha...but overall not bad lah...

After steamboat, lia`s going hm so her gw came to fetch her and also fetch the 3 of us to left the 3 of us, at 'durian' chit till 1145 hrs and we nv we haf to rush for train and bus...dun wanna tk cab...haha...lucky my bus came as soon as i reach the bus stop...

Reached hm at 12+...hafta bathe cos u know, after steamboat ma...haha...look forward to another gathering.............
A day 0ut
Sunday, February 20, 2005

Went 0ut wif sy today, s0 long nv meet up wif her.

We went t0 raffles city and i saw my cousin...sh0p at m)phosis...den eat at cafe cartel, i eat the chocolate cake, yummy...

Den went t0 town...sh0p ard...actually i din really sh0p cos my st0mach cramp, it hurts...s0 i dun really haf the mood t0 sh0p...but when we left far east, while walking, there`s this lady wishing me happy new yr and s0rt of shake my hand...i was like d0 i know her? -_-ll think she`s drunk or wat...she was d0ing this t0 everyb0day 0n the street...

Sy and me later went t0 heeren, after sh0p ard, we sit at the f0untain there chit chat den g0 hm...s0 tired...*yawn*...but i did enj0y my day...cos i meet up wif 0ne of my bestie...
Friday, February 18, 2005

Dunno y t0day felt s0 sleepy...keeping wanting t0 fall aslp in class...

After sch i acc0mpany met g0 Ikea, she wanted t0 buy hangers, anyway Ikea was near my hse. I was really slpy man, my eyes keep wanting t0 shut d0wn...even during sh0pping...haha...

Bef0re i g0 hm, i went t0 c0llect the ph0t0s B and i t0ok at the zo0...reached hm s0rt the ph0tos den watch tv...fell aslp...I g0 bathe after i w0ke up...half way thr0ugh, rain...den heavy rain...s0 i haf t0 wait f0r the rain t0 st0p den g0 meet B.

Th0ugh the rain had stopped, but there`s traffic jam...-_-ll i reached B`s place at 8 plus...there`s a mini c0ncert at holland close, th0se MP thingee...Sylvester and Olinder perf0rming, and i saw them up cl0se and pers0nal...n0t on prop0se th0ugh, c0s the van park at the place where i was standing. And th0se fans are damn IRRITATING!!! keep screeeammiingg away, my eardrums g0nna burst...and 0ne 0f them stepped 0n my t0es w \ 0 turning back and ap0logise t0 me!!! Curse her!!!

After the c0ncert, th0se stupid fans h0lding hands and stand in 0ne straight r0ws t0pave ways f0r the id0ls, and they 'impris0n' B and i behind them, B g0t fed up and break 0ff the bond, and they was like "Oei", we dun give a damn man! I wasn`t fast en0ugh s0 i was trapped inside after B got free...S0 irritated by them, s0 i ask them t0 let me cr0ss in a very fed up manner...

We went t0 c0ffee sh0p rest f0r awhile den i went hm...curse th0se stupid fans...
Happy 39th m0nths!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2005

Today is Bi and i 39th months anniversary...

HAPPY 39th MONTHS, Bii!!!! Muacks

Went t0 Jur0ng p0int wif m0nz in the aftern0on, during 0ur 2 hr break, but nv went back t0 sch after tt...l0l`z...we ate at the f0odc0urt, i 0rdered mee p0k, and fishballs was huge!!

To0k this while m0nz went t0 0rder her f0od

i decided t0 eat mee pok c0s in the m0rning 0n the way t0 sch, i saw an auntie ta pao mee pok, and it tempt me...after 0ur lunch, we sh0p ard, m0nz b0ught a wallet f0r her bf and sh0p the wh0le mall f0r emerine`s bday, we decided t0 buy a Gi0rdano tee f0r her...h0pe she like it...

Mummy br0ught me t0 see d0c in the t0o skinny le...the d0c gave me multi-vitamins, if n0 impr0vement den i haf t0 g0 back and test my bl0od...t0 check h0rm0nes, liver and kidney thingee...freaky...h0pe he vitamins helps...s0 tt i d0 n0t need t0 haf the needle p0ke int0 my veins and see my bl0od 0ozing out int0 the small c0ntainer...after visiting the d0c, i went 0ver t0 B`s hse...lazy t0 g0 out celebrate...

Juz relax 0ver there...den went d0wn t0 c0ffee sh0p t0 meet his fren awhile den went back t0 B`s hse again...
So tired today

I`m s0 damn tired today, the same f0r m0nz and met...and i actually 0ver slept t0day...

We 0nly went f0r eunice ang`s less0n den we went hm...the first thing i did when i reach hm was changed and head t0 my bel0ved bed...i slept till 615 pm...haf a nice nap...

At night at ah mah`s hse, we g0t bai tua beh g0ng, and we went d0wnstair burn the incense papers...

So sian`z...tmr still hafta g0 sch...hai`z...
Valentine`s Day
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Happy Vday t0 all~

How did i spent my Vday? hmm...relax at hm! ahaha...

Actually B and i had plan t0 g0 out s0 i went hm after sch and bathe den went 0ver t0 his hse first. When i reached there, i rest for awhile den asked him to hurry up and get ready...den he told me he doesn`t wnt to go! T_T

I keep pestering him but he doesn`t even budge! he`s simply too lazy! *faint* i gave up eventually...i`m als0 lazy...l0l`z...

S0 we juz relax at his hm, watch tv...den at ard 11+ pm he sent me hm...

Tt`s how i spent my Vday! boring rite? But i hope he will make up on our anniversary which is 3 days later...
Monday, February 14, 2005

Hey hey...juz g0t hm...

Went t0 watch the m0vie 'i d0 i d0' at ps...funny sh0w...l0l`z...n0t bad lah...finally get t0 watch it...

But things ain`t tt sm00th after the m0vie...he and i had a tiff...s0 irritated by him s0 i went hm by myself...i guess tmr`s vday i shall be`s 0k wif me th0ugh, n0t excited at all (erm...s0rt of lah)...he ain`t r0mantic anyway...haha...nah`z...vday is juz like n0rmal days t0 me the m0ment...=T

Tmr g0tta g0 sch...nv been t0 sch f0r 1 week...exclude the CNY h0liday is 1 week l0r...l0l`z...Siansati0n...*yawnz*...

Listening t0 Micheal Jacks0n`s thriller, makes me think 0f the m0vie '13 g0ing 0n 30', tt`s a nice sh0w...
Jessica went 0ut wif her Aunt and c0usin t0day
Sunday, February 13, 2005

My parents and sis r back in the m0rning...

Went t0 river h0ng ba0 wif my sunt and cousin t0day...i went there f0r like 3rd time already?

Eat quite al0t 0f, fishballs, the taiwan pizza and shark fin s0up...I saw 0ne c0uple bring their g0lden retriever, s0 ad0rable! i t0uched it! 0mg! haha...Went hm at ard 10+ pm...when we reached hm, i went back t0 my 0wn sweet hm changed den went d0wn t0 ah mah`s, eat again...

Bi hurt his back again...hai`z...s0 careless...
Saturday, February 12, 2005

There`s sch t0day but din g0...l0l`z...

We r supp0sed t0 g0 watch m0vie t0day but wh0 ass last min play me 0ut...i`m s0 angry! He went t0 fetch his fren (released frm pris0n t0day) den said he will meet me in the evening but he din even inf0rm me whether he can make it 0r n0t, s0 pissed 0ff by him...end up in quarrelled wif him...but he called me later and haf a gd talk...

And den he called me again asked me wanna g0 g0 watch m0vie...n0w is 2+ AM...dun feel like g0ing 0ut le l0r...s0 irritating...dun wanna g0 during the day and n0w midnight den asked me...stupid ass...

Mum said tt they will be back t0day but n0w n0 sign 0f `em yet...hai`z...

I w0ke up late t0day c0s i slept late yesterday...s0 i missed receiving h0ng baos...fuck! But still, i did received a couple 0f it though...frm th0se kind s0uls wh0 still remember me and they pass it ah mah who in turn pass it t0 me! l0l`z...

Oh dear...i`m craving f0r chocolate n0w...s0 late le, dare n0t g0 d0wn t0 7-11 leh...scared g0t ahbu-neh-neh`z...l0l`z...
2nd day 0f Chinese New yr
Thursday, February 10, 2005

Yo~ wat a b0ring day...waiting f0r pple t0 c0me bai nian...l0l`z...

B did called me yesterday, and we went t0 river h0ng ba0...reached there ard 12+ am...c0s B had s0mething t0 d0. Most 0f the stalls are cl0sed...but luckily s0me f0od stalls r still 0pen, bought a burger and tak0pachi, am damn hungry...

Den we went t0 cine and watch m0vie, wif B`s fren...we wanted t0 watch 'i d0 i d0' but we came t0 late...s0 we decided t0 watch a h0rr0r m0vie 'feng shui', against my wishes...but, last min changed t0 'sha0lin vs evil dead'...nice sh0w but ending sux...everyb0dy in the theatre was like huh? wat the hell? h0w c0me the ending is like tt? 0h...nice l0l`z...

Bef0re tt n0b0dy wants t0 watch 'elektra'...fuck! but fortunately they changed sh0w...phew~ if n0t the stupid sh0w will scare the shit 0utta me...haha...

Actually B and i wanted t0 watch 'i d0 i d0' t0day, but he was tired s0 i let him slp...he did n0t slp at all yesterday...i reached hm at 7+ in the m0rning, After he sent me hm, he went straight f0r the li0n dance thingee, he had t0 perf0rm...

Perhaps we shall g0 tmr as he d0 n0t haf li0n dance...

Ah ma nv c0ok t0day s0 my aunt br0ught my c0usin and i t0 nearby c0ffeesh0p and haf 0ur dinner...halfway thru` mum called me frm malaysia saying tt she cant get the train tickets, s0 will be c0ming back tmr...

Lonely me
Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Haiz...blame myself f0r being s0 fickle-minded..and my parents and sis left f0r malaysia w / 0 me...=( n0w n0w i`m al0ne at hm...bl0gging...

And B g0t fed up f0r waiting f0r me f0r s0 l0ng...supp0se t0 g0 0ver t0 his hse...but my big c0usins and relatives c0me t0 ah ma`s hse ma...s0 haf t0 entertain `em wat...

Hai`z...wat a l0nely chi new yr f0r me...h0pe B will call me later and ask me 0ut...but guess the chances is l0w...

Well, at least i spent my aftern0on playing wif my nieces and c0usins...i mean y0ung 0nes...haha...and c0llected h0ng ba0s...0ne 0f my h0ng ba0s c0mes with a $1 0ff v0ucher frm y0shin0ya...haha...n0t bad huh...

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Happy Chinese New Year to all!!!

Went 0ver t0 B`s hse f0r reuni0n dinner wif his family yesterday, as wat i had menti0ned yesterday, the fo0d was delici0us indeed, we had bak kut teh as s0up. It was simply DELICIOUS! B`s dad nv put any ajin0m0t0 0r salt, s0ya sauce and watever, it was 0rginal? (dunn0 wat`s the w0rd t0 describe).

Anyway B`s elder sis had gave`s a gal! And her baby is the 2nd baby b0rn 0n CNY, r0oster yr...Actually they t0t her baby is the first and they present the hamper and all and was g0nna interview her...but after tt they realized there`s the first baby in an0ther h0spital, s0 they interview `em instead...

I was damn tired and sleepy yesterday, guess is bc0s i w0ke up early. I went hm early yesterday, at ard 9+, c0s B g0t li0n dance. I dun wanna f0ll0w him c0s i`m s0 sure tt i will be damn b0red + i`m s0 slpy already.

Went d0wn t0 ah mah`s, eat den lied d0wn 0n the s0fa watching tv and fell aslp. Den my sis woke me up, c0s the c0untd0wn sh0w 0n ch8 had start.

Later after midnight, kena f0rced by my mum and aunt, want me, my sis and c0usin t0 g0 wif `em t0 si beh lor temple and pray. It was damn cr0wded, and th0se pple there r s0 kiasu, keep pushing and pushing, i g0t s0 irritated by `em, s0 fed up and i pushed `em back...l0l`z...the sm0ke hurts my eyes and i nearly suff0cate...wahaha...

Can see the cr0wd? i 0nly managed t0 tk this miserable pic...

Pple selling incense

Papa, mummy and sis are going t0 m`sia t0 visit my maternal grandparents and all t0day, i dun feel like g0ing but 0n the 0ther hand i feel like g0ing...s0 fickle-minded...i can`t make up my mind. The reas0n i dun feel like g0ing is lazy and cant`t bear t0 part wif B -_-ll my line dun haf`s y...The reas0n i feel like g0ing is bc0s i miss my l0vely c0uz cum bestie, haven see her f0r s0 l0ng.

I miss B al0t...i really l0ve him...*blush* (#^.^#)v alright...i`m juz feeling em0ti0nal...but i`m really t0tally in l0ve wif him...i had nv l0ve a man like h0w i l0ve him n0w...all th0se ex-es are juz likes and crushes...

Hai`z...if i`m g0ing t0 m`sia later, i w0n`t be able t0 meet him and he`s free t0day. After tt he haf li0n dance everyday, c0s chi new yr ma...den can`t meet him le c0s n0t free...i`m in a dilemma n0w...hate myself f0r being s0 fickled-minded...argh!

I miss him terribly...T_T

Chinese New Year Eve
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Normally pple r having reuni0n dinner t0day, but my family had it in advance...wahaha...

Going t0 Bi`s hse f0r reuni0n dinner t0day...i mean later...hehe...delici0us f00d r waiting f0r me t0 dev0ur `em...l0l`z...

Did i menti0n B`s dad is a c0ok? Needless t0 say, the fo0d will be delici0us, and i mean DELICI0US!! even if it was juz s0me simple dishes...especially the s0up, i simply l0ve it...yummy...

0h...heard frm B tt his elder sis g0nna give birth s0on...either t0day 0r tmr(sh0uld be ba)...lucky baby...t0 be b0rn 0n CNY...d0uble h0ng ba0 in yrs t0 c0me...l0l`z...

Now waiting f0r B t0 call me...meanwhile...g0nna watch tv n0w and fell aslp later...l0l`z...

Enj0y ur reuni0n dinner, peep`z...

Jessica`s day0ut @ bugis and river h0ng ba0
Monday, February 07, 2005

Went to bugis t0day wif B...he wanted t0 g0 si beh lor temple pray...after tt went t0 the hawker there and eat, den went t0 the 3rd fl00r alter my jeans (i`m a sh0rtie, hehe), 3 bucks 0nly...

Den went t0 bugis street sh0p ard...als0 dr0p by t0 find geri, we can`t find the sh0p...was walking r0und and r0und...l0l`z...den finally f0und it...we chat awhile den B and me went t0 parc0 sh0p ard...and bump int0 sandy and yung yung while waiting f0r B (he went t0 the t0ilet).

After which we head t0 river h0ng ba0...we ate al0t man...l0l` until br0ke...haha...den walk walk see see...and bump int0 wendy...i gave a sh0ck...haha...all 0ur $$ r spent 0n f0od t0day...yummy...hehe...well, we r always like tt, spent 0ur $$ 0n f00d...

We r greedy, aren`t we? haha...

This pic was taken by Bi, i was eating my cupc0rn while he t0ok this pic...beautiful scenery...

Reuni0n dinner in advance
Sunday, February 06, 2005

Yeah~ having reuni0n dinner family did tt every yr.

Waiting f0r the time t0 c0me, family gathering and eat t0gether...uncles, aunts, c0usins...every0ne is c0ming t0 ah mah`s t0nite...yippee~

Steamb0at~ i`m c0ming in a few h0urs time...wait f0r me~...l0l`z...*dr0oling*

To0 bad B can`t c0me...li0n dance training`s n0t the time t0 bring him hm yet...hehe...alth0ugh we`ve been t0gether f0r 3 yrs+ but am pai seh lah...haha...will bring him hm 0ne day ya... =p

Miss him...

0h ya...went t0 t0wn yesterday and b0ught a pair 0f sandals frm Charles & Keith and a ladies tee frm Samuel & Kevin.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Spent m0st 0f my time slacking at hm t0day...

Now waiting f0r him t0 get ready, den head t0 t0wn, d0 s0me last min sh0pping f0r CNY. Hai`z...think i w0n`t be able t0 get a tan le...he`s n0t free, dun haf tanning kaki`s leh...


Waiting...waiting...n0w is 0747 hrs...w0nder wat time he will ready...hai`z...

Wat a vain guy....hmmpff...=T
Jessica`s stuck at h0mie
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Wat a b0ring day! b0red, b0red, b0red....argh!

Ponten sch t0day, but stuck at hm d0 n0thing...nv g0 0ut as B`s n0t free t0day. Alamak! i`ve n0thing t0 bl0g, s0 wat the heck am i d0ing here? Alrite...jes`s juz being lame...-_-ll


Kinda miss him eh...mmm... =T

Went chinat0wn the day b4 wif him, b0ught a pair 0f heels and ate quite al0t.
Went t0 suntec wif him yest, bought n0thing but ate al0t....heh...

Oh...*gr0ans*...i`m s0 damn hungry n0w...shall g0 bathe n0w and get ma ass d0wn t0 ah mah`s and haf ma dinner...cia0z...

Signing 0ff....

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