My Birthday Celebration part 2
Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Went to a ktv at Lucky Chinatown with one of my best friend and his couple of friends...but things ain't that smooth at first, cos he was sleeping and not able to wake up on time.

I felt bad cause i had to change time with sy again and again, and she hafta wait for us for so long. He told me he will meet me at my house bus stop at 5.30pm, while waited for around 15 mins i called him and he was still SLEEPING! I was quite fed up but he said he will wake up this instant but he still took a very very long time to get ready and i waited for him for god knows how long, i was very furious that i think i'm gonna explode.

While waiting for him i was so hungry so i went to 7-11 and bought tuna snadwich, but can't fill up my stomach. Finally he came before i'm going to explode, really feel like killing him.

When we reached Chinatown, i went to Giordano and bought a blue racer-back, got 20% discount cos it's my birthday. Then went to shop and meet sy, his friends are joining us too but then they dilly dally for some reasons lah...everything's settled in the end...

I ordered hot honey and i find it nice. I ordered hot drinks 'cause i'm feeling cold but my hot honey soon turn into cold honey -_-ll Then, Bi and one of his friend went down to buy beer and smuggle them into the room *LoL* and he bought a piece of cake for me! though it's just a slice but it's the thought that counts, Thanks Bi

A moment later, his friends left, so left the 3 of us. We continue singing till 11plus and paid the bills(we were practically forking out money) and left. I managed to catch the last bus while Bi had to meet his friends for another ktv session further up the street, i had curfew so can't join him.

But overall, am contend. It's been ages since the last time i had a cake on my birthday, the last time i had cake on my b'day was on my 15th birthday, i guess...i'm 20 this year.

Many thanks to sy, bi and his friends...

I'm craving for the tuna sandwich now...T_T
My Birthday Celebration part 1
Monday, March 21, 2005

Woo hoo~ today i went to Marina South to have steamboat, celebrate my birthday with my best friends.

But before that i had a big fight with him, all because he is sleeping and he purposely stall time and cause me to be late. And hl, sy and lia had already reached, so i hafta asked them to go ahead first and book a place, i felt so bad 'cause i'm the birthday girl(my bday is actually tomorrow) and i'm the one who organise it and in the end they hafta wait for me.

Sometimes i really think he is too much, did he treat me as his girlfriend or not? it seems like i'm nothing to him. I really hate him sometimes, we had a big fight too, on my birthday last year. I really wanted to break up with him just now, but i really hate myself too, for being soft-hearted and i'm a person who don't hold my anger for long, after a while and i'll be fine. It may be a good point some time but it may be a bad point too, if i'm not so soft-hearted, i won't be so miserable sometime and keep thinking whether or not he treat me as the most important person in his life.

I don't know...since it's my birthday, i do not want these to spoil my mood. I'll just let it past.

We are actually going to the zoo tomorrow but i'm change to KTV instead with sy. I hope every thing will go according to plan, i do not wish to our drama to re-act again, on my birthday.
40th months
Thursday, March 17, 2005

Oh yeah, today is our 3 year 4 months anniversary, congrats to us for coming this far *LOL*

But he doesn`t want to go out, so juz went over to his place. We had a fight! nah`z...juz playing around, but both of us had bruises *Ouch!* i had some scratches and blue-black. Oh ya, my dead skin had started to peel after getting a tan (i got sun-burned) and i feel itchy on my shoulder, it was painful initially, i can't carry my backpack to sch, i had to 'hug' it instead. Though the pain had gone, here comes miss itchy...i'm feeling so uncomfortable...arrghh!

He said he`s gonna have his arm tattoo-ed, he claimed that he`s going to have his old tattoo coloured, well, i hope it's true...though i'm suspecting he might have his lower arm tattoo-ed. Don't want him to have so many tattoos, it looks ugly and complicated if one have it too much.

I'm not going to sch tmr, so sian. My birthday is coming, next Tuesday...but hard to celebrate with my besties, some can make it, some can't, so have to wait for everybody's free on the same day then celebrate, so i guess my 20th birthday will be a lonely celebration *LoL*. I don't blame them, it's not their fault. I hope Bi will give me a surprise (i doubt he will) or bring me to have least...

Here's a pic of Bi's niece, MykieL

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Isn't she Oh-so-cute?

*Yawn* gotta go sleep already...

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Heehee, i`ve been MIA for sucha long time already...Lazy ma...

Went to Sentosa wif my bf, bf`s cousins and frens, and cousins and fren`s frens...complicated? Anyway, there`s a total of of 30+ of us...

Din really get a gd tan as most of the time i soak in the sea...but get sunburn...darn...

B4 tt, we WALK to Sentosa frm Harbour Front cos the bus Q was so damn long...i almost die of` lah...but v tired...

So tired now, shall turn in early...tmr got sch...while pri and sec schs r having holidays...damn...
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