Friday, April 22, 2005

You Will Die at Age 70


You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...

And how you'll die as well.

What Age Will You Die?
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Tuesday ...

Went Bugis with Bii ... shop at Bugis street and he bought a black kaki shorts from his friend's store then we went to Parco foodcourt eat ...

After which we went home ... some embarrassing incident happen to me in the bus ... he was admiring the new shorts he just bought and i chose to ignore him on purpose ... then out of sudden he covered my head with his new shorts! dammit! a uncle behind us saw it ... so pai seh ...

Wednesday ...

Wow~ went Bugis yesterday with Bii and went Bugis today again ... but with my best friends, HL and Sy ...

Bii gave me a shocked yesterday ... so coincident he also went bugis with his friends, so he came to find me at Parco but i didn't know he will come find me ... was talking with HL outside a boutique and suddenly i felt someone grab me from behind ... *shock* ... then when i look up, it's him ... *haha* ...

I admit i was quite happy with the surprise ... *lol* ... then we went separate ways, he said when we are about to go home then call him ... So the 3 of us proceed to the food court and have Tepanyaki(how to spell?) for dinner ... delicious~ I find the beansprouts are the most delicious ... *lol* ... i didn't finish the veggie though, 'cause i don't like to eat the stalks but i finish the leaves ... *haha* ....

After our dinner, i bought srunchies, hair clip and a pair of ear rings. Then we went to find a place to sit, opp McDonalds the shelter with tables and chairs ... don't know what's that call ... anyhow, we took some photos, chat for awhile then Bi came to find us and we went home ...

I am so happy ...
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41st Anniversary
Sunday, April 17, 2005

Yup ... today is Bi and I 41st month anniversary ...

*Happy 41st month to u Bii ... Muack~*

Went to Suntec shop ard then went Marina food court eat ... nothing much ... Ooh~ i've printed my photos from my phone using the Kodak picture maker ... finally ... and it was a success! Hooray! 'Cause my last attempt was unsuccessful ... *lol* ...

I forgot to tk photos today ... shit! I fancied a pair of canvas(i suppose) shoes from Samuel and Kevin ... i've tried and it looks OK on me ... B said he will get one for me when he get his salary next month ...

That's all for today ...

Tata ...
Cocoons in my stomach
Thursday, April 14, 2005

I've got cocoons in my stomach, 'cause presentation's tomorrow ... shit!

Why i said is cocoons in my stomach? well, 'cause it's not time for presentation yet, so it's cocoons ... when the hours are passing, nearer and nearer to the dooms day, voila! out came the butterflies! Then it is called butterflies in my stomach ... *lol* and when it is time to present, the butterflies will start pushing one another so eager to flutter out from my mouth ... *lol*

Well, i told Met about it and she, being so concern about me ... asked me whether do i not need insecticide ... -_-ll what a suggestion! *haha* but i rejected her offer, 'cause i'm aware of the consequences ... i may lose my life ... it may help if i can find something similar to kill those cocoons and butterflies ... provided it can be consume by humans.

*The conversation with Met is just joking ard*

The word PRESENTATION to me is terrifying, i know i sound like as if tmr a monster's gonna eat me but i'm really nervous. I may sound like i'm exaggerating, but it's true that i'm nervous.

*Haiz* try not to think so much ... tmr going to school at 2pm but still gotta wake up at 630am to wake *him up ... yup, Bi's first day of work tmr, start at 8am ... hope everything will went smoothly for him, most importantly he will wake up on time.

Quite irritated with my blog skin, those html codes, any kind souls out there with a gd knowledge of html thingee or whatever shit, pls enlighten me. I kinda regretted for not attending lessons regularly therefore i missed out alot of lessons on html ... bah ... i did learn multimedia during OS but i've forgotten how to do it, after progress to Business IT *wahaha* always never attend lessons ... web lesson's doing dreamweaver now and there is a project to do, but i know nothing about dreamweaver thus don't know how to do ...

*That's the consequences for not attending lessons regularly* ^-^v

Had a tiff with my mum just now and i'm very pissed of ... now it's 220am ...

Enough of my crap, gotta turn in ... tata ...

I Hate Projects!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I've been pretty busy these few days, 'cause of projects.

It was almost done but i sort of make a mess of it, *lol* well, there are some confusions...I slept at 4 plus yesterday night 'cause of the PROJECTS, simply hate ie...*lol* worst of all, there's presentation tomorrow! fuck it! This is one thing i loathe during school life, shit! I've got stage-fright and it was a serious one, i can almost feel the nervous-ness now.

I know myself, tomorrow i'll sure will get so nervous that i need to go toilet and my hands wil tremble, i will blush and got tongue-tight. But i can't escape this ill-fate 'cause everyone have to present.

Now i guess Monz was busy with the projects now, she, being the saviour of our projects, are trying to clear the mess i've done to the projects. Weird, don't know what the fuck i'm doing ... i mean it is so not me, i'm the kind of person who are serious in doing things(not all kinds of things lah)i can be serious if i want to and i am serious in this project but i'm the one who had made a mess...fuck! Sorry Monz, for the trouble...

Yay! Bi's had gotten himself a job ... kinda happy for him but it also means that less time together but it's ok lah, working hours is 8am - 6pm ... he work in the morning and i'm in sch in the morning too, can meet him after work.

Wahaha...last min pon ten sch ... why? 'cause of the projects ... today's lesson suppose to end at 6pm...but never go...*lol*...

While waiting for Monz to send me back the projects, i blog ... so bad of me...=(

Oh, i've change my blog add and skins...
I'm Sick
Tuesday, April 05, 2005

I'm sick for 2 days, i had diarrhoea on sunday night and yesterday morning, then keep puking. I feel giddy whenever i'm standing.

I feel so weak, so terrible. I never go to sch yesterday and today, i'm feeling much better today but still feeling giddy.

Bi brought medicine for me yesterday and i felt better, so we went to PS to watch The Eye 10. Before we went into the theatre i went toilet to puke first, suddenly not feeling very well, and i bumped into hL in the ladies, she was like "oei!" and i jumped, *haha* both of us were shocked and coincidentally, we are watching the same show too, same theatre but different rows.

Didn't talk to her much cos her friends are there too, primary gathering. Wong Weng was there too but i didn't talk to her cos i'm too sick, all i want to do was to sit down so Bi and i hurried into the theatre and i slept for awhile.

The Eye 10 was not scary at all, it was more funny. But overall, the show was quite alright. Think i shall go take a rest, feeling giddy again and going to see doc later.

What a day!
Saturday, April 02, 2005

Yesterday i was quite upset over something, and i keep pondering about it and make myself sad over this minor thingee.

I went to town with Bi today, at least this is a happy one. He wanted to watch The Eye 10 and he had been pestering me for quite sometime and i just refused to watch cause i don't watch horror movie. My decision to watch it with him is because i caused him to miss the 'Making of The Eye 10 movie' on tv yesterday, *LOL* he gotta send me home. I feel bad and he, being such a good boy so i sacrifice abit lor, accompany him to watch.

But heaven is on my side, *LOL* Cineleisure don't have the show and PS GV is so packed, and the time don't match as he had something on later and can't afford to be late. The earlier time tics are selling fast and the Q is goddamn long. So, never get to watch it...*Phew* *Haha*...

But i can't escape this ill-fate, he die die also want to watch, will watch it some other day. But nevermind lah, since i've promised him, i shall keep my promises. So went to makan, i don't have a big appetite today cause i've got stomach cramp(stupid mens) and it's goddamn pain, Oh! woe is me... *Haha* almost every month also like that.

Luckily, Bi had something on and had to leave early so i went home and took my medicine and drank a cup of hot honey...feeling much better now.

Oh ya, there's these group of pple playing percussion outside Taka, the drum and bass(think so)music is nice and stay there to watch them perform, not bad and some gimmicks too while performing. When we were leaving, i was sms-ing sy and heard someone calling my name a few times, when i look up i really jumped *LOL* it was Deborah they all, i remember there's also shuya, lavanya, cheryl...forgotten. I was really concentrating on sms-ing sy and i did not notice and i've heard my name but don't really know it's my name...(??)get what i mean? nevermind...*Haha*...

Having PMS now...

My mood now...

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