Monday, May 30, 2005

*He got home in the morning from the chalet, called me and ask me to go over his house and wake him up in the afternoon, and I did.

Before going to the chalet, we went to Singapore Expo the food fair ... so many people man! so damn bloody crowded. We just squeeze into the crowd, Singaporeans are so kiasu and realistic, it's true ... the food fair admission is free and there are lots of free sample food and everybody is like so kiasu. There's a fish exhibition, admission cost 8 bucks and only a handful of peeps, the rest just stand outside see then walk off.

Those aunties are so kiasu, their eyes only focus on the free sample they don't care whether there are people around, keep pushing, so damn irritated by them. We didn't eat much lah, so crowded and got irritated by those kiasu people, keep pushing and don't konw what the hell are they rushing for, damn fed up! *He got fed up too, when people push us, he push them back ... *haha* ...

After that we head for the chalet. We intend to go wild wild wet but it rain earlier so end up never go, we just take a rest first, enjoy the air-con in the room then in the evening *he help out to start the fire ... after that start bbq ... I just sit and wait for my food ... *lol* ... opposite our chalet there is one husky ... it's gorgeous! OMG I love it man, and it's huge!

Later as usual, my Dad came to fetch me, so good ... lazy to travel home by MRT ... so boring 'cause very far ... very sleepy now ...

Shall turn in ...

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Yay! collected my hp ... *happy* ... *lol* ... autually is not the phone's problem, it's the memory card problem ... wasted my 3 days of waiting ... darn ... then the girl format my memory card and everything went A ok ...

Then we shop around and went to Cineleisure take lovegety, finally man ... it's been so long since we last took ... more than 1 years, I suppose ...

Went to *his cousin's chalet, there's alot of people ... quite a big bash ... not bad ... stayed for quite some time then my Dad came to fetch me home ...

I was happy today, but now I'm quite pissed!
Friday, May 27, 2005

I'm pissed ... and I don't wish to talk about it ...

Anyway, my dear friend HL ask me whether I'm
free tomorrow to go out with her, I so wanted to go but I can't ... I'm not free tomorrow ... so sad ... I'm sorry girl, next time kk?

Yippee!!! I'm going to collect my precious
hp tomorrow ... and maybe after that go to *his cousin's chalet with him together? hmm ... I'll go if he's going ...

Ooh ... can't wait for tomorrow to come ...

Yay! today went to eat breakfast with *him at market, I ate longtong while he ate pork porridge(how to say?) ... so happy ... it's kind of a luxury to me, having breakfast with *him together ... though it's just breakfast but to me, the feeling is great ... so happy!

After that we went back to his
home and sleep ... then woke up again and eat then went back to sleep again ... and slept for the whole day ... *lol* ...

I woke up at the evening and wanted to go
home but he doesn't let me go home, don't know what's wrong with him ... so I went home at night ...

I hope days will pass quickly to Saturday, that's the day when I can bring my precious
hp home, I miss it so much! I've sent it to Nokia Care Centre for repair yesterday ... Emerine sms-ed me earlier saying that our outing date havs been change to 13 July as Ivy can't make it ... I was ok with it ...

Poor Yorkie ... *his block is upgrading and his
family wanted to find people to foster her for the time being, after his house windows have been change and all those renovations then bring her back. I am so tempted to bring her home, his grandma requested to me too, but ... so sad I can't ... my mum straight away say NO. She doesn't like dogs and also she's cleaniless freak(how to say?) ... darn ... so sad ... my Yorkie darling ... ='(

We thought of Met but she stay too far ... I told her about it and she don't mind ... I will told him about it and see how ...

Bi and I scared she will be
home sick ... and also can't bear to part with her ... though I know Met will take very good care of her ...

I will discuss with him tomorrow ...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

*He accompany me to Nokia Care Center, and the queue was damn long ... when it's finally my turn, the person told me is my phone got problem, need to upgrate ... as I don't have any spare phone so I shall go back another day.

Later, we went to Bugis ... after that, went
home ...

Just borrowed my cousin's Panasonis X66, for temp use. So I will make my way down tomorrow again, get it done asap. But goddamnit! all my data will be gone ... darn ... Can't bear to leave my
hp there, although only for one day or so ...

I'm gonna miss my precious
hp ... shit ...

* This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
This shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S! *
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Finally the 'yew geng' is over, Vesak day is over ...

But *he's dead tired.

Anyhow, I still haven't make my way down to
Nokia Care Center ... suppose to go today, but by the time I woke up, it has closed(today is a public holiday so it close early). So went over to meet *him, and he gave me a M)phosis hp pouch, yes I like it!

I suppose Great Singapore Sales is coming ya ...
shopping time! *lol*

Going to meet
Grace, Ivy, Monz and Emerine next Monday for a movie ... yay! Finally get to go out together, we've planned it since OS but now progress to BIT still ... plus separate to different class ... but nevermind, Monday's the day! *haha* ... but heard that they are going to watch horror movie ... darn ... but it's ok lah since finally we get to gather together ...

Looking forward to Monday ...
Saturday, May 21, 2005

I don't wanna be lonely no more ...
Thursday, May 19, 2005

*He ask me to go over to his house to accompany him in the morning at around 7+am, since my paper starts at 1pm, so i went over ... reached *his house at around 8+.

I have planned to wake up earlier to revise, but plan changed. *He asked to go over and it was too early so I fell asleep at his
house ...

Woke up at 1215pm and rot for another 5-10 mins before i set off to
school, meet the 2 Ms at 1245pm ...

About the
paper, needless to say, I don't know how to do ... *lol* ... didn't even wake up earlier to revise. I did the paper any-o-how ...

Nah ... it's over, so i shall stop yakking about it ...

Suppose to go to
Nokia Care Centre, but last min he said he's not free ... but both of us fell asleep in the end. So didn't make the trip, he promised me he will accompany me tomorrow(again), but I doubt it's going to happen, both of us are pigs.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Fuck the memory card ... it's against me AGAIN! means I have to make a trip down to Nokia Care Centre again to check what went wrong ... Damn it!

The 'accident' happened last night ... I mean midnight ... my sis was viewing my photo gallery then suddenly one of my pic can't open, so I switch off my
hp and on again, I can't even open my image folder! I was like SHIT! not again~ totally no mood ... worst come to worst, I'm having my FMK paper tomorrow and now my hp are 'handicapped', how the hell am I going to study when I can't even concentrate, my mind was all about my precious hp ... no matter how hard I memorise, nothing could go in.

Complaint to Bi and he was quite sian 1/2 'cause all his tattoo photos was inside the memory card and now it's gone, half of my photos are gone too ... knn ...

So he said he will accompany to
Nokia Care Centre today but he was simply too tired so didn't make the trip ... anyway, got exams tomorrow so it's ok, I shall stay his house and study but ... as the above mentioned, I can't concentrate.

I hope *he will be able to accompany me tomorrow, I will greatly appreciate it 'cause he will be pretty busy these few days as Vesak day is coming.

Shall end here ...

Good luck to me tomorrow although I know I'll flunk for sure.

Bye bye ...
Tuesday, May 17, 2005

*** Happy 42nd Anniversary ***

Woohoo! Been together for 3 and a 1/2 years already ...

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Shit ... haven't start revising ... darn ...

Well ... got to prepare for exams ... (bet I'll fall asleep later)

Bye ...

Updated at 11:21 pm:

Just got back from my cousin's
house, we are having BBQ there as today was my niece, Bernise's birthday ... Never take photos 'cause my hp's memory do not have enough space ... darn ...

Oh, I really fallen asleep while studying for FMK ... fuck!

Damn! I still haven't study for exams ... first
paper tomorrow ... Shit!
Saturday, May 14, 2005

Exam's approaching and I haven't even started preparing! darn ...

Worst, the moment I open my book ... eyes started wandering around ... target: TV if not I feel like sleeping ... damn it ...

I think I'll flunk for sure ... shit ...

Today is Saturday, bi's not free today so I've got the whole day to study ... but I did not, online for the whole day ... fuck it! what the hell am I doing? Arrgh!

The moment I open my book, it started to hypnotise(how to spell?) me ... damn!

I shall force myself to study tonight ...

May the force be with ME!!!! *lol*
Friday, May 13, 2005

Today is Friday 13th ...

Updated @ 3:22 AM:

I'm bored, freaking bored, goddamn bored ...

I don't know why ... just feeling bored ...

Chatting with met on msn ... at least better ... then silence ... think she's playing games or what ...

Nothing to surf on the net ... darn ... staring at the monitor ... stare, stare, stare ...

Blogging away ... bah ... nothing to blog ... how boring ...

What a boring night ... damn ... shall turn in ...

Bye ... (-.-)zZz
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Went to polyclinic with bi today and then to Bugis ... again ... 'cause he's pretty busy for the sin tua thingees ... ordered some stuffs from Rocher rd so I went with him to collect ... Vesak day is approaching so that's why ...

Ya ... went to Cuppage after leaving Bugis ... *he went to find his friend there ... eat, chit chat ... then go
home ...

But I was happy ... tomorrow gonna accompany *him go back to polyclinic to change his dressing again ...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Ooh wee~ went to bugis today with Bi then went town ...

Watch House of Wax together ... nice show ... and Paris Hilton died in the show ... *lol* ...

Bi and I find the show very nice ... but I'm kinda afraid of wax dummies now ...

Updated: I saw Adrian Pang with his caucasian wife at PS gv ... his face in real person was not so comical as how he was on tv ... quite stern ...

Monday, May 09, 2005

God! I just love Eminem!

- Puke -

{Puke noises}
There I go...
Thinkin' of you again...
You don't know how sick you make me,
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach,
Everytime I think of you I puke. {Next line starts at puke}
You must just not know (uououououououoh),
You may not think you do but you do,
Everytime I think of you I puke {1st verse starts when Em sings "puke" again}

[Verse 1]
I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little poem,
But off of the dome would probably be a little more,
More suitable for this type of song (woah).
I got a million reasons off the top of my head that I can think of,
Sixteen bars just ain't enough to put some ink to,
So fuck it, I'ma start right here, I'll just be briefer,
'bout to rattle off some other reasons.
I knew I shouldn't go and get another tattoo,
Of you on my arm, but what do I go and do?
I go and get another one, now I got two, oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
Now I'm sittin here, with your name on my skin,
I can't believe I went and did that stupid shit again,
My next girlfriend, now her name's gotta be Kim, shii-ii-ii-ii-ii-iit.
If you only knew how much I hated you,
For every-motherfuckin'-thing you ever put us through,
Then I wouldn't be standin' here cryin'over youboo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-hoo.

You don't know how sick you make me,
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach,
Everytime I think of you I puke. {Next line starts at puke}
You must just not know (uououououououoh),
You may not think you do but you do,
Everytime I think of you I puke {2nd verse starts when Em sings "puke" again}

[Verse 2]
I was gonna take the time to sit down and write you a little letter,
But I thought a song would probably be a little better,
Instead of a letter, that you probably just shred up (yeah).
I stumbled on your picture yesterday and it made stop and think of,
How much of a waste it'd be for me to put some ink to,
A stupid piece of paper, I'd rather let you see how
Much I fuckin' hate you in a freestyle.
You're a fuckin' cokehead slut I hope you fuckin' die,
I hope you get to hell and satan sticks a needle in your eye,
I hate your fuckin' guts, you fuckin' slut I hope you die, die-ie-ie-ie-ie-ie-ie.
But please don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or mad,
It's not that I still love you, it's not 'cause I want you back,
It's just that when I think of you it makes me wanna yack ,aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-acK.
But what else can I do, I haven't got a clue,
Now I guess I just move on, I have no choice but to,
But everytime I think of you now all I wanna do is puu-uu-uu-uu-uu-uuke

You don't know how sick you make me,
You make me fuckin' sick to my stomach,
Everytime I think of you I puke. {Next line starts at puke}
You must just not know (uououououououoh),
You may not think you do but you do,Everytime I think of you I puke {Outro starts when Em sings "puke" again}

[Outro]{Puke noises again :) }
God damn it
Fuckin' bitch
Sunday, May 08, 2005

Went to meet him today and clarify things out ... so everything went fine ...

Anyhows... we went to orchard today ya... I'm happy ... see it? I'M HAPPY!!!

And oh! HAPPY MOTHERS' DAY to all Mummies(no, not the eygpt kind) ... *haha* ...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Somethings happened ... and I think I would like to keep it to myself ... it's bad ... real bad ...
Friday, May 06, 2005

Hmm ... it had been some time since the last time i blog ... been pretty busy the last few days ... got projects to rush ...

Finally everything's over now ... can relax and get prepared for exams ... I designed my new blogskin ... erm ... sort of lah ... hehe ... there's still some html thing that need to be edited but I guess some other days ba ... so lazy liaO... *lol* ...

Went back to
school today for web publishing CA test ... I gotta retake 'cause the actual day I did not save it properly ... I'm so muddle head ...

I thought *he will meet me today but he did not ... meet his friends instead ... then had a tiff ... sometimes I wonder are his friends more important than me? I've noticed that nowadays we seldom meet up and he meets his friends more often ... what the hell ... does he realise that I don't know ... but it's definately pissed me off ... I don't know ... he have different kinds of friends ... there are some I really depise/don't like ...


Feeling so fustrated and sad ... I guess I'm having pms now ... well ... having the time of the month ... fuck ...

Argh! i'm so heated up already while typing away ... i shall stop here ... don't think too much and my anger will eventually subside ...

Bye ...

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