Sunday, July 31, 2005

There's this Husky I've saw around my neighbourhood for a couple of times.

Today, I went to explore the new neighbourhood beside my blocks with my sister. While exploring, we chatted along the way and wished that we could bump into that Husky.

On our way back, we bumped into that Husky indeed! So coincidence. The owner was friendly and allowed us to take photos with it, it was a well-behaved dog, doesn't bite, doesn't run about. But the pics taken wasn't a nice one, maybe next time? If fate let me meet that Husky again, I'll definately take a better pic.

Oh! and earlier, at my block void deck I saw a Westie, a slow moving one ... *lol* ... its owner keep calling and it just walk s l o w l y ... ignoring its owner. When it saw me, it sniffed me and I bent down to touch it and walk away after that. After I walked away, I still hear it's owner calling ... *haha* ... I turned around and see, it was looking at me. Then s l o w l y shaking its backside and walk to the lift. Its poor owner was waiting at the lift and keep calling and calling ... *haha* ...

How I wish I had a pet dog too ...
Friday, July 29, 2005

Finally I get to see *his niece! The last time I saw her, she was still so small ... now, so chubby! And I love her doe eyes!

*He called while I'm still in school, told me that his Mummy had brought baby to his house, so I went over after school has dismissed. His Daddy and Granny were so delighted to see her! Baby Mykiel is simply adorable!

I really like her eyes so so much!
Monday, July 25, 2005

I did not sleep well yesterday night, I fell asleep only at 5+ am. As I was about to fall asleep soundly, my handphone alarm rang! Damnit! The rooster living inside was cockle-doodle-doo-ing me to wake up.

I did and I also killed that rooster and saved it for tonight's dinner. I was damn sleepy, but I have to drag myself to school because of the project, if not I will definitely continue sleeping. But in the end, we haven't start the project, will do it on Wednesday?

After school, Monz went home while Met and I had our lunch in school. Yes, I'm indeed tired but I felt hungry at the same time. While we were enjoying our lunch, there's this bee keep buzzing around us. Very irritating, but on the other hand I'm afraid too. So we changed to another table, we thought we had shaken it off, but ... it followed us! How irritating! Why does it keep following us? I have no idea, only God knows why. We don't smell like nectar what! But I think the bee likes Met's Pepsi twist 'cause it keep hovering around the can. Then it buzz off and we thought we can finally have our luch peacefully. But it returned again! Fortunately, we are about to finish our food so we finish it off quickly and scurried off. Saying good bye to that irritating bee!

Went central with Met after that, accompanied her to NTUC as she wanted to buy coleshaw dressing which she had forgotten to buy the other day. Saw some guys from our class outside Mac, saying hi-bye and we proceed to our desinated place.

As it was still early, Met went to Sweet Talk and bought drinks and we intend to find a place to sit down and chat. But it was raining earlier so most of the seats are wet, we decided to go to some HDB flats void deck when an idea struck! Hey! we can go to Kbox. And we went without much hestitation. Yes! only the two of us went to Kbox! *haha* last minute decision.




La la la~

Sang till 3 pm and we went home. Tired as I am, I did enjoy myself as I don't sing but I sang alot today! Yay! Met sure do feel honoured! *hehe* How good it would be if Monz join us.

Time pass real fast, tomorrow is Monday, meaning have to go to school. Really don't feel like going but have to rush for project and it's not easy.

I'm feeling so troubled these few days, and it sucks, really. I don't know what's going on ... I don't know ... I hate it! felt like there's a huge stone weighing down on my chest, I'm suffocating, I can't breathe ... When will all those sickening troubles end? When?!

I'm in a terrible mood. When will I be happy again? When will I see happier days?
Friday, July 22, 2005

Went to Clementi Central today after school with the 2Ms, to photocopy some stuffs and accompany Met to have her lunch and we chatted for quite awhile. After that we decided to take a walk at Big Bookshop, took the lift up to 3rd floor and proceed to the recipe books area ... *haha* I love recipes but don't know how to cook ... Then we proceed to Kbox, took the lift down to 2nd floor 'cause Met wanted to check the price for K-student.

Met wanted to go NTUC to shop for coleshaw ingredients, she's making today I suppose and she bringing to school tomorrow for us! Yay! *greedy look* Style magazine is giving away free sun glasses, nice ones and Met a copy of it ... to my disappointment, the sun glasses don't fit! Monz and I tried putting on and it just look strange. Like Granny putting on glasses. Guess it don't suit Asians? our nose bridges ain't the same as Caucasians. Maybe Indians can? their face features looks like Caucasians.

Oh well, what do you expect? it's a free gift.

Just as well, I'll just shop around for a nicer ones that fits me.

Met's going to Kbox(Clementi) tomorrow with two of my ex classmates which is her best friends after school... she asked Monz and I whether we want to join them, Monz not going ... I feel like going but the problem is I don't sing. I'm just wasting my time and money only. I'm still deciding ...

After that I went home, *he's not free today ... hmm ...

Watched Project Superstar revival round, *he's on tv! for merely one seconds only ... *lol*

Very exciting 'cause the results will be out tonight. Well, I voted for Kelly and I did not waste my 60 cents ... *haha* she got in. As for males, I don't know who to support 'cause both Derrick and Leon are good, but only one will stay for the semi-final, and Derrick got in.

Well, the exciting part has yet to come, it is getting more exciting weeks after weeks.
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Have not been to school for the past two days. Simply too lazy.

Yes! So I went today ... but, when I had reached school bus stop, I saw my classmate Desmond ... and guess what, he told me no lesson! Oh, what a great news! And that today lesson end at 10am(I meet Monz at 1pm)!

Phew~ luckily I saw Desmond at the bus stop, if not I'll look like a fool in school.

So I called Monz up and told her. Wasted trip. What did I do? Went home and take a nap.
Sunday, July 17, 2005

Oh great! Just happened to found out that someone copied my friendster profile 'about me' section. What the fuck! *Rolled eyes*

But was quite surprised that someone actually wants to copied my profile, given my english standard. *lol*

But please, don't you have a sense of originality? 'cause I don't see the needs to copy my profile ya? Thanks, but no thanks. I was really taken aback, I thought my eyes are seeing things. I can jolly well report you but I chose not to since you are *his friend's girlfriend. Unless you change your profile, I will report you for impersonating me. *After a second thought* it's not that serious right?

Anyhow, I'll just let it pass ... though somehow or rather it really pisses me off. So please change it.

But still, I'm pissed!
Friday, July 15, 2005

Yes! Finally Hagen is out! But there's still revival round, hope he will get his butt out of the Project Superstar for good! *hah*

Haven't been blogging for quite some time, simply too lazy and also nothing for me to blog.

HL's birthday is just around the corner, don't know how she's going to celebrate. Chatted with her on Msn just now, told me that just gather and have dinner or something. She will confirm with me tomorrow.

Time flies real fast, tomorrow is Friday already.
Blog out of boredom, don't read!
Sunday, July 03, 2005

I can't sleep yesterday, been pondering over some things. So far I think my class(KL) now was the funniest class I've ever had, maybe because there's more guys than girls?

I was in an all girls' secondary school, my class was not too bad but not as crazy as my class now. Yes, there's some class clowns too and they are as funny but not as crazy ... even so, all girls ma, not really as crazy as guys, you see.

Or maybe I'm too quiet in class. I'm not those outstanding student, I'm not popular and I'm very low-profile. I gave everyone an impression I'm very quiet, I don't take the initiative(unless necessary), I mean I've tried to be sociable but I just don't know how to start the ball rolling, you see. And when I tried to start a conversation, I keep having these feelings that they find me a bore. But my close friends will know the real me, I can be talkative if I want to.

Anti-social, some people may think of me this way' cause I only stick to my clique. No choice, God had given me an introvert character, that's why. My secondary school days was not a memorable one, I mean as a class ... Some parts of the memories had been erased(not on purpose) except those damn funny incidents.

I always did badly for my studies, keep failing especially my maths, always get the pathetic marks. Guess no one are willing to teach a dumb ass like me, whenever I ask for help, the answer they gave me might as well they don't answer me at all. "Teach me how to do leh, can?" "Orr ... you take 1 + 2 'cause you need to get a 3 so must take 1 + 2" that's why I always ended up asking them to let me copied their work. It's my fault not to approach my teacher, too pai seh. Regarding maths, I need to take a long time to absorb, so many formulaes and keep changing so confusing, I'm not good at figures.

Once I approach a classmate, let's name her SH, about accounts, she teached me. I thought she is just like any others, so I just say "orr" in fact I still don't understand one lah, but she surprised me man ... after she taught me, she ask me to repeat to her! And I don't even know where to start man.

After that I dropped accounting. For the rest of the subjects, I did not approach her again 'cause I don't wish to see her throwing up blood while teaching me and died eventually *haha* no lah, don't want to bother her, I'm a dumb ass anyway.

I hate it when people always say they did not study at all(actually they did) and then they score so well. Or when asking for their help, they say they don't know how to do which they actually know how to, just doesn't want to teach. How selfish! I know sometimes really don't know hpw to explain but at least try your best. Whatever!

I always feel inferior, that I'm not good at anything. Sometime I feel so bad that I really don't want to contact anyone, including my best friends. Feel so inferior, no confidence in everything I do. I think I'm the only one in my class who failed O level? I don't know, didn't contact any of my secondary school classmates after graduation, in fact I don't really talk to them during sec sch days. The only photo I have with my classmates was class photo, lame right? *haha* I don't have my photos taken with my best friends either, I mean in school not outside. But at least I had fond memories with my besties, which I will always remembers. I love them!

Sometimes I feel so lonely, keep thinking that they don't like me. Maybe I'm sensitive but the way they behaves gave me that feelings. But fortunately, at least I still have my best friends, Gang of 4. Not to forget friends I've acquainted in ITE, they are great. New acquaintances are as dear to me as old ones, I really regard them as friends but I don't think some will think likewise. They will say keep in contact but when I really contact them, no reply. Ya lah, I know they are just entertaining only.

As I've said, I don't take the intiative, and I've taken the first step already and what I get is these. Now, if you want to contact me, you take the initiative. If not, I will not contact you either.

I'm contradicting myself. Anyway, these are all bygones ... just let it pass and look towards the future. The above mentioned was how I felt last time, bottled up for years already. I never confide to anyone even *him, I was dating him when I'm still in secondary school till now.

My class now gave me a different feeling.

Anyway, just blog out of boredom 'cause I'm waiting for *him to get ready. We are going to Suntec later.

So long!
Farewell Party for Ms Daisy Lim
Friday, July 01, 2005

My class organised a farewell party for Daisy Lim today as she had retired at Bruno's don't know who-'s condo. Most of our classmates went including our now class advisor and a teacher.

Initially Monz and I doesn't feel like going 'cause we are tired but we still went, I mean it's our class right? Now then I realised that our class can get real crazy ... and wild ... they were hilarious ... *haha* the cake was nice, it was fun ... just everything was nice.

Am glad that we went, didn't really understand my classmates well as we didn't interact with them much. But today, I saw their 'true colours' *hah* They are fun ... they took loads of photos too ... and even buck up to push our CA, David Lee into the swimming pool ... *lol*

After that, one of our classmates, Nick drive us girls to BB MRT station. Then, Monz and I went shopping at Westmall, we bought some stuffs and shop around then went home.

I'm dead beat, fancy me falling asleep in the bus, but I didn't miss my stop though. Now I'm home, tired and hungry at the same time, guess I should go down to ah ma's and grab a bite?

So long ...
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My name is Jessica. There'snothing wrongwith my name. If you think you know Me,read my blog and think again. I'mimperfect and I'm loving it. I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life. This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

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