Saturday, August 13, 2005

Did WAD CA test today, I practically handed in blank paper.

Honestly, I really have NO IDEA how to do the paper. Of course I did wrote something but confirm it is wrong, I don't even know what I'm writing, just RUBBISH!

Yes, I know ... blame myself for not attending lessons regularly right? I admit, and even if I did attend lessons, I'm always late. *Haha* Anyway, I had gave up and I expected to get a BIG FAT 0. Damn it! Oh and thank you Josh, for letting/attempting to let me copy, *lol*, but I can't see and the stupid teacher keep looking at me. Oh forget it!

Went to town today with Bi and he went for an interview, his friend introduced him a job. So, he was asked to go on Sunday, the lady boss wanted to see how he works so that she will decide whether to hire him or not. Hmm ... hope that his past experience as a kitchen assistant will benefit in some ways.

Later on we went Taka, shop around and then went to Cine meet his friends ... hang around Cine 'cause waiting for another couple of friends. How boring! I'm bored to tears.

Oh! I've forgot to mention, when we met his friends there were a group of 'walking corpses' ... I was surprise and keep staring but I did not notice there's one behind me. He told me there's one behind me, asked me not to get frightened. When I turned around, I jumped a little 'cause I did not expect to be so close to me and the 'corpse' reached out her hands and touch my hair! in a spooky way. How can I not jumped?!

But these 'walking corpses' are obviously fake. Lucky it's not 'The Maid' ... I'll freak out for sure man! Moreover it's at night.

Finally, everybody had reached but it's time for me to go home.


The censored part, I don't wish to talk about it 'cause it sucks! Stupid TP! But at least this time is not as sucky as the past one. Urgh!

*Yawn* I'm so tired today, guess is because I've not enough sleep.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mum keep having dizzy spells nowadays, quite worried for her. Haiz ...

Everything doesn't went smoothly for me ... DAMN IT!!! And that affects my mood of course, or maybe because of pms? that darn pms! I hate that time of the month ... fuck it!

I am very pissed ... for nothing ... everything just doesn't come my way.

I'm depressed.

I'm sad.

I'm unhappy.

I'm lonely.



I want a happy life. Who can make me happy?

Having bad day everyday.

My life sucks.
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