Keep Changing ...
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Yes I know! I keep changing skins ... I mean Blog skins, don't know why I get sick of the skins easily ... that's why I keep changing. Some parts are still under construction, lazy to edit. It took me quite some time to finish editing.

Just uttering rubbish here.

So long!
Friday, September 16, 2005

Presentation wasn't as bad as I thought.

Yes, we requested to be the last group to present and after class dismissed, we followed out teacher to the staff room. Yup! no doubt about it, we presented our project in the staff room ... only the 3 of us and teacher, so ... *phew* well, at least I'm not that nervous.

After school, Met and I decided to have our lunch at IMM. Then shop around at Daiso and went home. I am very tired today. I don't know why.

Tomorrow is our anniversary, how time flies! Oh! *his cousin just got married today, congratulations!

Damn! tomorrow gotta present for Tourism project. Shiat!

Am so nervous now already, how to present? what to say? I really have no idea. Fugly piece of shit!

I hope Steven Koh will allow us to be the last group to present, as in when the whole class leave after they finish presenting.

And, I think I'm gonna have sore throat soon, it feels uncomfortable already.

Think I'll go to sleep now.

Peace out.
Thursday, September 15, 2005

I want to change my blog address.

Still thinking of a better name for it.

Hmm ... any ideas?

Updated: Had changed ma blog add to!
Thursday, September 01, 2005

Alright! Project Superstar winner had emerged, and that is Weilian.

Today's final showdown was held at indoor stadium, the show was nice. Guest star was JJ and he really amazed me with his talents, no wonder Emerine went gaga over him ... *haha*

I already expected Weilian will win, he got alot of supporters but at the same time I also hope Kelly will win too. Contradicting? Yes? No? Anyhow, to me, they are already Superstars.

Weilian's singing was really touching, I almost cried. And when they announced that he is the winner ... so overwhelming ... although I was stunned for one second.

Weilian and Kelly got themselves a contract with Play Music and Universal Music respectively. Now, wait for their albums.

P/s: And also, right from the moment I started watching superstar, I always find the Super Judge Xu Huan Liang looks like Squirtwurt from Spongebob Squarepants! ^-^

Happy Teachers' Day!
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My name is Jessica. There'snothing wrongwith my name. If you think you know Me,read my blog and think again. I'mimperfect and I'm loving it. I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life. This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

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