Sunday, January 08, 2006

Seriously, I'm so tired of my life. It was so goddamn meaningless.

I really wish that I can go for a long sleep, I mean LLLOOONNNNGGGG!

I'm so forgetful. Why? Am I suffering from short term memory loss? I guess I am.

Am really so tired of everything in my life ... I can no longer take it, mentally. Physically, I'm weak 'cause I'm down with sore throat and cough, now fever and flu are coming. I guess this time should be quite serious 'cause I've never get sick for a long time. Hell! My whole body is aching and I feel and warm and cold at the same time. I'm living in Hell! I just want a happy and meaningful life.

I'm depressed, really.
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My name is Jessica. There'snothing wrongwith my name. If you think you know Me,read my blog and think again. I'mimperfect and I'm loving it. I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life. This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

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