Sunday, February 26, 2006

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I just wish that I was DEAD.

Seriously I'm so tired of everything. I know I've changed, I don't even know what the fucking hell I'm doing also, no one will understand me anyway, they just fucking assume I've changed. You don't like me now, well, let me tell you, I don't like you either!

Have you ever try to understand what I'm going through? Did you even care? I'm really depressed, problems keep arising, my family, money and whatnot ... my relationship ain't that good with them now, it's not like how it used to.

And you just say I fucking gave you attitude problem. All of you just don't trust what I'm doing. Who can I talk to when I'm facing problems? WHO? No one ... I'm facing it all by myself. Do you know how stress I am now? Fuck care lah, people cannot be trusted anyway.

Just shot me DEAD. I'm tired of living. Life just sucks.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Seriously, I'm so tired of my life. It was so goddamn meaningless.

I really wish that I can go for a long sleep, I mean LLLOOONNNNGGGG!

I'm so forgetful. Why? Am I suffering from short term memory loss? I guess I am.

Am really so tired of everything in my life ... I can no longer take it, mentally. Physically, I'm weak 'cause I'm down with sore throat and cough, now fever and flu are coming. I guess this time should be quite serious 'cause I've never get sick for a long time. Hell! My whole body is aching and I feel and warm and cold at the same time. I'm living in Hell! I just want a happy and meaningful life.

I'm depressed, really.
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Went to Bugis today with SY. When the both of us had reach, we went to si beh lor temple and pray, she's going so I follow her. Then went to the National Library, she's returning books as well as borrow some more, I borrowed some self-help books ... out of boredom actually, I mean the last time I went to library to borrow books was ages ago I can't even remember.

We shop around for Lia's house warming gifts and Gal's birthday present. Then went to Mos Burger to have our dinner and rest, our arms are breaking ... spent alot today and the books are fucking heavy ok ... though only 4 books.

We went town after that, with those damn heavy shopping bags. We went to Cineleisure and bought four leaves clover handphone strap and necklace, I really think the both of us are crazy ... It was said that four leaves clover will bring good luck, though I don't really believe it but I still bought it. Hope it will really bring me luck, been down with luck recently ... Damn it!

After we went home. Hell! my arms are aching now ... damn!

Happy Birthday to Gal Gal! Turn 2 already, how time flies!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Went to Bugis today with SY. When the both of us had reach, we went to si beh lor temple and pray, she's going so I follow her. Then went to the National Library, she's returning books as well as borrow some more, I borrowed some self-help books ... out of boredom actually, I mean the last time I went to library to borrow books was ages ago I can't even remember.

We shop around for Lia's house warming gifts and Gal's birthday present. Then went to Mos Burger to have our dinner and rest, our arms are breaking ... spent alot today and the books are fucking heavy ok ... though only 4 books.

We went town after that, with those damn heavy shopping bags. We went to Cineleisure and bought four leaves clover handphone strap and necklace, I really think the both of us are crazy ... It was said that four leaves clover will bring good luck, though I don't really believe it but I still bought it. Hope it will really bring me luck, been down with luck recently ... Damn it!

After we went home. Hell! my arms are aching now ... damn!

Happy Birthday to Gal Gal! Turn 2 already, how time flies!
Monday, October 31, 2005

I've been so lazy these days ...

I think I've been slacking at home too much that's why. *He asked me out last Thursday, I was surprised of course, as we did not contact each other for quite some time, and he contacted me. But still I met up with him. I was kinda excited and nervous at the same time. I dress myself up a little(I've been doing that since the break-up) went to meet him, we went to town.

We went to Taka, he went to find his friends and I feel kinda awkward 'cause I think his friends all know about our break-up already and now they saw us together? So yeah, I hide in a corner ... *haha* ... We went to buy some bread and sat at the fountain there and enjoy the bread.

Then we proceed to Cineleisure. As usual, we went Kobayashi and had ya, the usual stuff. After that he went to play lan game. Later, it startd to rain ... Damn! I was getting bored so we went off ... But still, we are stuck at Cineleisure 'cause it was raining very heavily. We have to wait for the rain to stop, or at least much less heavy then we can go home.

Finally, the heavy rain have become less heavy and I quickly made my way to the bus stop, there's lightning and thunder ... scared the shit outta me man! Luckily the bus came when I reach the bus stop.

He did not ask for a patch or whatever ... and we did not contact each other after that day.

Until yesterday, he called me. We chatted for awhile.

Today, he called me again ...

Frankly speaking, I still love him and miss him ... Duh! After all we've been together for 3yrs 11mths ...

Anyway, Lia's having house warming on Nov 12. I have no idea what to buy for her ... 'Cause I have never, in my life, attend house warming before. Even if I did attend before, it is not up to me to buy presents 'cause it's probably my relatives' but this time is different, it is my best friend's house warming. I plan to buy Winnie the Pooh stuff for her 'cause she loves Pooh, but where and what to buy? Can't possibly buy soft toys or those bo liao stuffs right? *Sigh* I plan to buy, as usual, clothes again for Gal Gal ... That's the only thing I can think of ... Hate to buy presents 'cause I really have no idea what to buy ... What if they don't like it? I rather give them money and ask them to buy whatever they want or go shopping together, they choose I pay. But I can't give Lia ang bao 'cause I'm not married yet.

Think I'll go shop for Lia and Gal's presents on Wednesday? with SY ... She will confirm with me on Tuesday ... that's tomorrow ...

Oh! Almost forgot ...

Tricks or Treats?

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


The guy who will text you every single morning and tell you good morning and every single night to tell you sweet dreams.

The guy who will text you and tell you "I love you and you make me smile" just because it's true.

The guy who will blindfold you and take you to the beach, let you run your toes through the sand and then make you guess where we are.

The guy who will show up at your games (or competitions or meets) without you knowing just to surprise you.

The guy who will hold you when you are crying and wipe away your tears.

The guy who still thinks that you're beautiful even without makeup but instead, in sweat and a big t-shirt.

The guy who won't pressure you to do things you don't want to.

The guy who will show up at your house with soup and a movie when you aren't feeling well.

The guy who kisses you on the forehead.

The guy who doesn't kiss and tell.

The guy who actually listens to you when you talk.

The guy who's excited all day because i'm looking forward to our date that night.

The guy who is contented to just be able to hold you and wants nothing more.

The guy who can't help but smile when you walkinto the room.

The guy whos perfectly happy with staying in and watching movies and cuddling.

The guy who won't lie to you about where he's going or where he's been or who he's been with.

The guy who gets butterflies when he hears your name.

The guy who picks you over his friends.

The guy who's not afraid to tell his friends he loves you.

The guy that isn't afraid to tell you he loves you.

The guy who isn't always trying to act like a hard ass around you.

The guy that will tell you how he feels.

The guy who doesn't care about your imperfections and loves you more for them.

The guy who will hold you while we watch the sunset.


I want this kind of guy~~~~~
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My name is Jessica. There'snothing wrongwith my name. If you think you know Me,read my blog and think again. I'mimperfect and I'm loving it. I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life. This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

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January 2005
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November 2005
January 2006
February 2006